
Showing posts from March, 2021

Class 29 Mar 2021 (Crisis Communication)

The meme below is an example of plan for the worst and hope for the best. It is best of us not to be ignorant and always be prepared for worse case scenario. 

Class 29 Mar 2021 (Stressful Convo)

One of the stressful conversation I had was at work. It was the "You are attacking me" type of stressful conversation. It was an exchange between me and a customer. I work in a retail industry where I have to be nice to the customer. This time, the customer was complaining about something that beyond my department and my control. He basically asking for a refund on an item that already passed the refund period and keep insisting to do it. I had to politely direct him to the customer service so they might be able to assist him. However, the guy keep insisting for me to fix his problem. So I start by acknowledging and letting him know that I understand his frustration. He was calming down for a bit and finally agreed upon going to customer service to resolve his problem.

Class 22 Mar 2021

 In communicating difference, I will answer this following question: "Can your workplace be considered multicultural? Why or why not?" I would say yes. I work at the Brick. It is a furniture/mattresses/electronics store. Over there, I work with people from a lot of different backgrounds. They all diverse across all departments, and which I think offers them equal opportunity for input and advancement within the company. I think the benefits of having multicultural workplace is that it will encourages open dialogue which creates understanding, collaboration and team work among staff. Above all, multiculturalism also demonstrates tolerance, respect and acceptance which improves company culture and reduces conflict within the workplace.

Class 17 Mar 2021

 One of the leadership communication that I think important is that trying to do everything may cause panic. I believe this to be true. That is what happen to me if I try to multitask way more than I capable of. It usually drives up my anxiety and I would not be able to get things done. To counter this, I try to do one task at a time. Focus on it and get it done. 

Class 15 Mar 2021

 The topic of gender equality is still a bit new for me. Growing up in Indonesia, I did not pay attention to this matter at all. However, after I give some thought and reflecting on my time back home, I think it was already a norm there. With men being regarded more superior. I think it is common for eastern culture, which I do not support. I think for starter, as men, we need to be more informed about this matter. Gender inequalities is not just a thing in the workplace. I think women face this on everyday life. I am all in for gender equality.

Class 10 Mar 2021

I will use one clip from a TV series called Madmen. I think it's a great pitch because the character use his own experience to show how the product works. Which was kodak carrousel. He had a strong visual presentation on the product. In addition, the fact that he was willing to use his own dysfunctional family for professional gain is crazy for me. I think he is a Showrunner.

Class 08 March 2021

I think the word “conflict” may produces a sense of anxiety for many people. However, it is still part of the human experience. Conflict is inevitable. In any settings (work/home/life), there always be a chance for conflicts to happen. However, we can improve our handling of disagreements, misunderstandings, and struggles in the workplace/any place to make it easier to manage when it does occur.

Class 03 March 2021

Telling Tales I am going to share with you guys the power of compounding. Most of us is in the early 20s. We probably have not think about our retirement yet. Lately I have been learning more about investing and discover the power of compound interest. Here's a gif from the balance to explain more about it.  One compound interest example: Let’s say if you are in the age 20, invested $1,000 today. If you didn’t touch it until you retired at age 70, your money could increase by 32 times. That means that you could end up with around $32,000. (Assuming growth rate of around 7%) But what if you waited another 10 years. Let say you were 30 years old and invest that $1,000 and leave it be until retirement? In that case, you’d only end up with half as much as above, just $16,000. And if you waited until 40? That’d cut the amount you’d be left with in half again: around $8,000.  BUT what if you were to invest that $1,000 at age 20 and contribute $83 a month (around $1,000 a year) until reti

Class 24 February 2021

  Ever since the pandemic started, lots of people pick up a new hobby or thing they are into. Things that I am into is coffee! I got obsessed with coffee because during lockdown, I don't go out much and forced to make my own coffee at home. The thing is, I could only make instant coffee at that time. Yikes, I know right. Let me tell you, the taste of freshly brewed coffee is 10x better than the instant one! The benefits of making your own coffee in my opinion is that: It's cost efficient! If you don't have any appliances at all for coffee then just get Melitta pour-over cone for like $3, paper filter and kettle. You're set! You can make coffee for the people you love! You'll feel much better by making others coffee! I highly recommend buying the whole coffee beans and grind it fresh before you brew! Anddddd, coffee tons of great health benefits backed up by lots of research