Class 18 Jan 2021

18 Jan 2021 Presentation

The Critical Approach

    I feel like the topics today is align to what my upcoming topic about power & resistance. And I am honestly a bit confused with the association of power and critical approach at first. However, after listening and engaging to the presentation, I realized that critical approach is a broad topic. And it can be associated to any other sub topics as well. In this case, power. I think the [presentation was a really nice and stimulates my brain to learn more. It keep our focus by engaging in every sub-topics and asking to voice our opinion and maybe some agree/disagreement. I also learn a new term today that's called Hegemony. Overall I personally still think that a healthy amount of power in a organization is needed in order to sustain the hierarchy. The hunger of power can be a good/bad thing depending on how we look at it. The positive side is that it can be really motivating and keep our focus on our goal in achieving those power. I'm stuck and don't know what to write next......


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